Saturday, February 9, 2008

What You Need to Know About HIV

By: James Daugherty

HIV is an abbreviation for Human Immunodeficiency Virus. Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome or AIDS as it is generally called, is the result of this virus. When a person has AIDS, the immune system gradually break downs. The patient then becomes highly susceptible to infections and illnesses, which could even, be fatal. History dates its origin to June 5th 1981 in Los Angeles where the virus was found in five homosexual men. It was then called GRID or Gay-Related Immune Deficiency because people thought it only affected homosexual people. This theory was soon blown to pieces when cases were reported from all over. Today, AIDS has reached epidemic proportions. It has plagued most countries around the world and is considered a highly dangerous disease.

To gain a better understanding of HIV, we must first explore how it is transmitted.

a. HIV is a sexually transmitted disease. What does this mean? The mucous membrane lines different parts of the body such as the lips, genital areas, nostrils etc. When the mucous membrane comes in contact with sexual secretions of an infected HIV patient, the virus transfers from one to another. This is why the main cause for the spread of AIDS is unprotected sexual intercourse.

b. HIV is also transmitted through infected blood. Therefore, one has to take extreme precaution when undergoing blood transfusions. It is always advisable to go to a reputed hospital or clinic where infected syringes are not used. Intravenous drug users and hemophiliacs are at high risk to get HIV.

c. HIV can be transmitted from a mother to a child either in the womb, during childbirth or duing breast-feeding. The chances of this happening have been reduced with drugs and other procedures.

Some of the early symptoms include sinusitis, bronchitis, otitis, pharyngitis, weight loss, dry cough, unexplained fatigue, unusual blemishes on the tongue, herpes zoster and oral ulcerations. During the more advanced stages patients may have chronic diarrhea, continuous fever, extreme weight loss, oral hairy leukoplakia and candidiasis and pulmonary tuberculosis.

It is extremely important for people to be tested for HIV. In some communities, partners are required to take the HIV test prior to marriage. This is because it not only affects the infected individual but also can spread to the spouse and the unborn child. It is difficult telling someone you love that you have AIDS. However, is very vital for their health and safety.

Doctors, nurses and Medicare professionals are also exposed to this virus as they deal with syringes and needles on a daily basis. If you have AIDS and if you are looking for a doctor, then do some preliminary research on the doctor before you meet him or her. The doctor should be reliable and must be aware of the nuances of the field. You should choose a doctor who you are comfortable with.

James Daugherty reports about the latest HIV news on his blog.

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By: Julia Jones

STD-Sexually Transmitted Disease – are transmitted through sexual contact. STD -are generally divided into two categories, bacterial and viral. Bacterial infections are relatively easy to cure if detected early. Viral infections are technically incurable but the symptoms are controllable if detected early. Having a sexually transmitted disease (STD) can increase a person's risk of becoming infected with HIV. STD treatment reduces a person to get HIV infection.

The human immunodeficiency virus HIV, Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome AIDS and sexually transmitted disease STD are one of the main concern today. The patients affected by them are quite in number and alarming as it is infectious. From one person to the other, from a mother to a baby anybody anywhere can get the virus.
It is estimated by the Joint United Nations Program that there are over 34 million people worldwide affected with HIV/AIDS. Out of them only few are aware of their being infected and spreading the virus.

To begin with HIV - the human immunodeficiency virus - is a virus that kills your body slowly and slowly. HIV attacks human cells and uses nutrients and energy provided by those cells to grow and reproduce. HIV can be passed from person to the other. If someone with HIV infection has sex with or shares drug injection needles with another person then he or she is likely to be HIV positive. It also can be passed from a mother to her baby when she is pregnant, when she delivers the baby, or if she breast-feeds her baby.

It is very important to keep yourself away from the virus getting into your body and equally important not to let others infected by it. There are different ways of getting infected by HIV as

• If you have unprotected Sex with someone who has HIV. The virus can be in an infected person's blood, semen, or vaginal secretions. It can also enter your body through tiny cuts or sores in your skin, or in the lining of your vagina, penis, rectum, or mouth.
• If you share a needle and syringe to inject drugs or share drug equipment used to prepare drugs for injection with someone who has HIV.
• If you had a blood transfusion or blood clotting factor that you got before 1985. As today all blood in the United States has been tested for HIV since 1985.

How can you protect yourself from HIV?
• Make a mature move, both the partners should not hesitate to go for HIV test
• If you are pregnant then have an HIV test
• Make sure to use condoms.

AIDS - the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome - is a disease you get when HIV destroys your body's immune system. Normally, your immune system helps you fight off illness. When your immune system fails you can become very sick and can die.

An HIV-infected person receives a diagnosis of AIDS after developing one of the CDC-defined AIDS indicator illnesses, (opportunistic infection). A positive HIV test result does not mean that a person has AIDS. A diagnosis of AIDS is made by a physician using certain clinical criteria. There is no cure for AIDS. There are anti-retroviral drugs now available that can slow down the virus, and slow down the damage to your immune system. These drugs have also helped reduce the overall rates of opportunistic infections in people with AIDS.

Find more information visit: HIV/AIDS & Other STD We at are providing you the choices you can make, to select your condom brands according to your needs.

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