Saturday, February 9, 2008

HIV / AIDS Complementary Treatment

by: Jan Greeff


Latest technology complementary and supportive products are achieving remarkable results.

A leading firm of clinical consultants who have been contracting to Medical Aid Funds to manage approximately 6 500 persons living with HIV/AIDS on an ongoing basis for many years, reports as follows:

"We are contracted to render HIV disease management services to numerous patients of several medical schemes. We have been using Phytogard as an immune booster for the past 4 years with exceptional results.

Some patients are currently controlled on Phytogard alone and maintain or improve their CD4 counts while reducing Viral Loads.

Five of our contracted medical schemes are funding the inclusion of Phytogard in our disease management protocols."

The success of Phytogard is mainly due to Foodstate*tm technology. For the first time in history specialised vitamin and mineral combinations are presented to the body as food. Utility is improved by up to 15 times compared to chelated chemical isolates and inorganics.

The unique, synergistic and cost-efficient combination of ingredients in Phytogard has been developed in collaboration with leading laboratories from all over the world. They consist of vitamins A and B12, Selenium and Zinc, all in Foodstate*tm form, n-Acetyl Cysteine, Betasitosterols and Alpha Lipoic Acid.

These products can add significant value to complementary health services worldwide.

For more information, please contact Jan Greeff in Barberton, South Africa

Tel. +2713 712 2436 e-mail to SMS only to +278 454 838 90 or visit

About The Author

I’m Jan Greeff, married to Juanita since 1973. We have four children, four grandchildren, and are known as the wellness family.

I have been a Lifestyle Consultant for more than twelve years. It has been my privilege to be instrumental in safe, natural intervention to improve the quality of life of countless persons.

My intervention strategy is aimed at achieving optimum wellness via balanced nutrition, moderate exercise and fulfilling relationships.

1 comment:

allan Gering said...

Scientific research is very expensive. The makers of alternative therapies often cannot afford to pay for scientific studies. The government prefers to pay for studies of western medical drugs because they appear to be more effective.
Most people with HIV use some kind of alternative or complementary therapy. Some alternative therapies can be dangerous. Others are safe to use. Some have been carefully studied and can improve your health.

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